Today another MAKE USE kit workshop took place in the entire fourth grade of the 13th Primary School of Larissa.
Someone who has not participated in such a workshop cannot understand how ready the children (of all ages) are to take action to make public spaces cleaner by changing the culture of all of us and how much enthusiasm prevails in the groups when we create together the kits that we will give away to our fellow citizens.
The day after tomorrow, June 1, it is the turn of the fifth grade at the same school. They are already waiting for us with great anticipation.
The day after tomorrow, June 1, it is the turn of the fifth grade at the same school. They are already waiting for us with great anticipation. (Les Têtes de l’Art, Banlastic Egypt, Les Scouts Tunisiens – جهة نابل الصفحة الرسمية, Cie Amuzik, etc).
Supported by:
Generation Europe – The Academy
European Solidarity Corps Greece