From Sofia Tsagkaraki in Lesvos…
“On Wednesday, July 6th, 2022, a presentation on the environmental education of refugee and migrant children took place in the classes of the NGO METAdrasi, at the Reception and Identification Centre of Lesvos.
Children aged 9 to 12 years old, interpreters and teachers of the organization contributed to the implementation of this action. The main focus of the action was to understand both the concept of the environment and the importance of our respect for it.
The children imagined how they would feel if they lent one of their favourite toys to a friend and the friend returned it broken. We explained to them that in this way it would be good to think about the environment. Just as it is provided to us, so it should remain.
This concept was supported by the construction and use of the Make Use kit. The children learned to use the kit… in practice as well! After a demonstration of the kit and the way we make it, the children created their own kits. We then went out into the courtyard, collected the litter and put it in the respective recycling bins.
The children’s eagerness was touching and optimistic, both at the construction stage and in the collection of the waste.
The children’s eagerness was touching and optimistic, both at the construction stage and in the collection of the waste.